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Development of the Crypto-currency in 2018: the opinion of specialists

The market of crypto-currencies is one of the most promising and fast-developing industries. At the moment, electronic money is being integrated with the traditional financial system. Already today they are used to pay for goods and services, purchase of real estate and jewelry. Financial advisors forecast strengthening of positions and further development of the Crypto-currency in 2018, and do not exclude the possibility of raising their status to a system-forming factor in the near future.


Crypto-currency is a reliable object for investing

Despite serious competition, the leading position in the e-currency market is occupied by bitcoin (BTC). The decision of the stock exchanges to include it in the list of securities admitted to exchange trading raised the Crypto-currency to the level of assets such as precious metals and energy.

Making forecasts for the development of the Crypto-currency in 2018, analysts call BTC one of the most attractive objects for investment. Most experts exclude the possibility of the collapse of bitcoin. On the contrary, in the coming year, the growth rate is expected to be 1.5-2 times. The maximum risk is a temporary subsidence of the price by 25%.

Legalization in the financial market and the growth of confidence on the part of the population also expect other electronic money: etherium, lightcoin, dash. The rapid development of the Crypto-currency in 2018 is expected! The number of people investing in this type of assets will grow. According to preliminary estimates, by the end of the year about 50 million people will become crypto currency holders.

Crypto-currency, promising to bring to its owners the greatest profit

On the second place of virtual world currencies is lightcoin (LTC). Experts rank it among the most stable and safe crypto currency. The throughput of Litecoin is higher than that of bitcoin, and the transfer fee is lower. In this regard, the development of LTC's crypto currency in 2018 implies its active use as a unit of account. Bitrefill is already implementing a payment system for the litex services of communication services.

Ethrium (ETH) is another stable electronic currency, which in the future can compete with bitcoin. At the end of 2017, the cost of ETH reached $ 770. The development of the crypto currency in 2018 will go at a rapid pace. In regard to the etherium, analysts are very optimistic: confident growth is expected at the beginning of the year, and by the end of 2018 the cost of ETH may exceed one thousand dollars.

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