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mt4 mt5 crm cropChicago / Il - The TradeTools FX technology group was founded in 2008 by a group of highly experienced IT professionals with the goal to create simple, secure and user friendly solutions for the FX market.
CHICAGO - October 19, 2020.

For over a year we have been working on a new version of CRM for your business, we have listened to your wishes and today we are glad to present you a new version of CRM!

The new version of Metatrader CRM allows you to connect any accounts in multi-account mode from any servers, with Metatrader 4, FXGO and Metatrader 5. Connect the whitelabel for clients for MT4, FXGO and another trading platforms in multi-account mode.

MT4 and another trading platforms CRM is fully customizable and developed for any customer's needs. The system works with any trading floor.

CRM TradeTools FX is a solution integrated with MT4 and another trading platforms multi-market platforms. Each trader is given access to a profile, as well as to all the necessary tools for managing money transfers, deposits, an affiliate system, etc.


CRM system for brokers (client portal) Key features:
Trader portal

- View MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms account history.
- Download management. The ability to upload custom files (documents) to the server to provide them to the White Label manager.
- Access to download managers (installations, etc.).
- Ability to replenish your MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms account in automatic mode (integration with the Skrill payment system and many others).
- Ability to withdraw funds from MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms account via White Label application manager.
- Ability to interact with the White Label manager through the Ticket Management system (for example, requests for certain actions).

Managers portal

In administrator mode

- multi-account mode;
- Manage managers, products, White Label and download files available for traders;
- all the manager's functionality for all White Label (there is also a filter by White Label).

In manager mode

- View download files for traders (which are performed by the portal administrator).
- View documents uploaded by traders.
- View MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms deposit transactions.
- Managing applications for debiting funds from traders' accounts (i.e. viewing, executing, changing status).
- Full access to all MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms transactions with the ability to edit, similar to how it is implemented in the MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms  Administrator.
- Full access to MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms groups (as in MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms Administrator). Users should be prepared that the solution will be incomplete at first, but as it is refined and "tested" in real-world conditions, it will improve.
- Full access to MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms user accounts (as in MT4 / MT5 / FXGO Administrator).
- System of interaction with traders through Ticket Management.
- MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms server management

In the TTFX CRM system, it is possible to fully customize the company's markets such as Forex, CFD, Binary OPtions and link interaction with them to various White Label, the number of White Label is not limited.

You can read more information about MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms CRM on the product page:

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