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PAMMPAMM is a percentage distribution module. A PAMM account is a trading account consisting of an unlimited number of investor accounts representing an independent and unified trading structure that is controlled only by the manager (trader or company) of the PAMM account. The PAMM allows the trader to distribute transactions between an unlimited number of accounts through one MT4 and another trading platforms.

PAMM service from TradeToolsFX is an investment product provided to brokerage clients and allows to manage investors' capital by copying transactions of the managing trader on other accounts. Each account of the subscriber has its own share in the PAMM, depending on its size. The results of trading activity (deals, trade results) are distributed among subscribers' accounts, in accordance with their shares.

PAMM solutions from TradeToolsFX guarantees accurate and instant copying of transactions without limitations of subscriber's capital.

PAMM solutions characteristics from TradeToolsFX:

experienced support team 24/5 under the supervision of sections of administrator / managing trader / subscriber;
collection of data in real time and an advanced analytical tool with a variety of statistical parameters;
maximum flexibility when tuning, meeting the needs of various brokers;
convenient and simple interface;
Integration with any trading servers through API; this can be implemented as a standalone solution or SaaS with protection from DDoS;
integrated integrated partner program;
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Benefits PAMM solutions

PAMM service from TradeToolsFX is an advanced software solution designed to unite experienced traders (managing traders) and people interested in financial markets (subscribers) from around the world. This is a mutually beneficial cooperation.

Benefits for PAMM solution managers:

creation of various investment proposals,
diversity in the construction of commission structure (from volume, result, capital, etc.),
a rating system that works to attract customers.
And much more.

Advantages for PAMM solution subscribers:

variety of investment proposals,
risk management tools,
visual trading reports in real time.
And much more.

For more information see: PAMM

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