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The TradeTools FX technology group was founded in 2008 by a group of highly experienced IT professionals with the goal to create simple, secure and user friendly solutions for the FX market. Our software engineers have years of experience in providing custom tools and solutions for FX brokers, money managers and financial institutions around the world. Our custom solutions enable companies to maximize profits by offering innovative solutions that can be seamlessly integrated into an existing infrastructure or as a standalone offering.


TradeToolsFX Technology are pleased to announce that in the open testing framework, the launch of a new stable version of TTFX Webtrader 2.0

Main advantages of the new version:

1. Most of our customers asked to add the function of switching themes to dark and light. We went to the meeting with the wishes of our customers and updated the interface, according to their suggestions!

2. Mobility is the trend of our time and we try to keep up with the technologies of today, the new version of our product provides the ability to switch the interface from normal to mobile and back, for ease of use.

3. Technological progress does not stand still, with each day more and more protecting us from threats in information security! This is a multi-faceted concern for computer operating systems! Our new product fully supports all modern methods of cryptography and encryption for the newest operating systems on the Windows 10 86/64 base.

4. More and more information is required for analytical tasks, more and more information is required for placement on computer monitors! Webtrader 2.0 fully supports computer monitors with 4K resolution, place more information, be one step ahead!

5. The speed of operation of devices and programs is one of the fundamental principles of the modern broker's work, we consider this fact as one of the most fundamental in the qualitative work of modern financial systems - we are ahead of our competitors! The speed of our system in the new version has increased by 100%

6. Any user is pleased to work with a system that does not fail, and we try to maximize the performance of our systems, the newest webtrader 2.0 is not an exception to the rules, we have done a great job of correcting shortcomings and increasing stability!

According to the analytical data of TradeToolsFX Technology, the world financial market shows an increase of about 40% per year, thus showing that the financial component of the market, the binary options, and other tools has positive values. For its part, TradeToolsFX Technology offers its customers the latest high-quality developments in the field financial markets.

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