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ubridge fix liquidity providerHow to connect a broker to a liquidity provider?

Every broker asks himself this question over time!

The answer is simple and elegant: ubridge from TradeToolsFX!

We use the FIX technology protocol for the broker and provider.

You will never have a problem with this!


What is uBridge?

Bridge between your MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms to any data feed provider in the world.

Our solution provides a reliable bridge between data feed and liquidity providers to your MT4 / FXGO and another trading platforms at an affordable and fixed price.


We provide a comprehensive solution that is powerful and comparable to the more popular brands in the market place.

Our bridge allows integration into any data feed provider and allows the ability to manage your orders, multiple data feeds, and STP connectivity with a back office application

We can provide FX and CFD data to your preferred broker, or provide one that we recommend.

You have the ability to connect your data into a Price Aggregator along with Consolidation tool to help manage quickly multiple data feeds.

Low latency and high grade security ensures fast execution and low chances for slippage.

More about uBrige from TradeToolsFX you may read on product page:

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