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What will happen with the crypto currency in 2018-2019. Forecast of specialists and analystsThe fever that originated in the crypto-currency market in December 2017 subsided, so you can now calmly talk about what awaits bitcoin and other crypto-currencies in the next two years. Is it worth investing in crypto-currencies, what will be the volatility and the course, how will the main players of the market behave, what is the long-term forecast - we will try to find answers to these burning questions from financial analysts.
The main trends of the crypto currency market in 2018-2019, according to experts, will look like this.

1. Increase in the number of major players in the market
According to analysts, the 2018 will be the year when institutional investors enter the market of crypto-currency with simultaneous increase of investment products, which means that the game will be conducted in large scale. Most likely, this will affect the volatility of bitcoin and the general trend of its course.

2. Tightening of regulators and restriction of speculation
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the last six months has been trying to warn about the risk of investing in crypto-currencies and even took several active steps by suspending transactions on shares of several companies, suspecting them of investing in crypto-currencies. According to experts, there is every reason to believe that regulators will limit speculation on crypto-currencies, which can restrain the growth of bitcoin and other crypto-currencies.

3. Increase in market volatility Crypto currency
The contradiction of forecasts regarding bitcoin occurs against expectations of even greater volatility of the market in the coming years. Analysts believe that the rate will fluctuate between $ 4,000 and $ 30,000 with a general upward trend.

4. Growth of other crypto-currencies with unconditional leadership of bitcoin
While the price of bitcoin in the beginning of the year somewhat stabilized, other crypto currencies confidently won their positions in the market. Experts also suggest further strengthening of small-scale crypto-currencies, but at the same time they confirm the preservation of bitcoin leadership in the near future.

5. Growth of investment in companies related to the crypto currency market
The cost of companies related to the crypto-currency market has grown along with bitcoin, today they cost billions of dollars. Some of them have already announced their intention to place the first shares, albeit in a dollar equivalent, so as not to cause restrictions on the part of regulators.

Despite contradictory forecasts and a rather nervous situation, financial analysts agree on one thing: in the near future, crypto-currencies headed by bitcoin will only strengthen their positions.


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