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What's new in the market for crypto currency in 2018

The sharp growth of bitcoin in 2017 led to the fact that many people were interested in binary options on crypto-currencies, which allow multiplying the available capital several times. The number of people who want to invest their savings in digital coins is growing rapidly.

In 2018, the crypto currency will be legalized in Singapore, Japan, Switzerland and the US, which will cause even greater excitement around binary options. According to analysts' forecasts, in 2018 most of the existing crypto-currencies will strengthen their positions, plus an additional 10 new ones will appear.


Which crypto currencies are the safest way to invest money in 2018:

1. Bitcoin - at the beginning of 2017 the price of one bitcoin was only $ 250 and in December the cost increased to $ 19 thousand. According to analysts' forecasts, in 2018, bitcoin could grow to 70 thousand dollars, without losing its leading position among the others, crypto-currencies. But, according to expert advice, investing in bitcoin for the purpose of multiplying its funds today is not even worth considering. At stake are large sums, so it's worth paying attention to cheaper crypto-currencies.
2. Efirium - today the price of crypto currency is only 450 dollars and analysts are sure that it is necessary to invest funds in the etherium right now. In 2018, it is forecasted an active growth of the crypto currency, whose popularity is expected to be the same as that of Bitcoin. According to research, the number of transactions in the second half of 2017, the etherium beat beatcoin.
3. Dash is a digital coin offering similar functions to bitcoin. It is popular among miners, many online retailers have recognized crypto currencies, it can even be paid off in some online stores.
4. Ripple - the value of this crypto currency is not more than a dollar, but its value regularly grows. Experts believe that the current price is ideal for making investments.
5. Lightcoin - one of the most influential competitors of the popular bitcoin today. This crypto currency is absolutely transparent and has a sufficiently high potential.

If you are far from binary options and only plan to invest in crypto currency in 2018, find a good consultant for yourself, who will tell you how to conduct personal research. It is worth remembering that even the most thorough analytics can fail, because binary options on crypto-currencies are always a risk, although often quite justified.

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