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Monopoly bitcoin is no more, or worthy alternatives to BTC

alternatives to BTCWhich word first comes to mind when we hear the term "cryptocurrency"? Most of us remember bitcoin, the pioneer of the new market, who for several years reigned the ball. Over the years, the picture has changed, and by now the pioneer has lost his monopoly. The success of BTC and the promise of blockade technology have inspired enterprising people around the world - and here is the result: to the question of whether there is an alternative to bitcoin, you can confidently answer "yes." Moreover, there are many alternatives, and many of them deserve the attention of investors.

Read more: Monopoly bitcoin is no more, or worthy alternatives to BTC

New updates for FXlite plugin for metatrader 4 and another trading platforms - solution for Forex and Binary Options brokers.

New updates for FXlite pluginOur team is constantly working on improving products for brokers, adding to the software new features that no one else offers.

What we offer in the new update:

1. Add client's IP to BO position
2. Add MAT and BO rade blocking
3. Import/export BO expirations
4. Added block mobile trade
5. Round BO prices

Read more: New updates for FXlite plugin for metatrader 4 and another trading platforms - solution for Forex...


How to earn on the fall of the market Cryptocurrency

How to earn on the fall of the market CryptocurrencyCrypto currency is less reliable than traditional instruments, therefore, collapses in this market occur more often. How to behave correctly in this situation, and even earn a drop in the market of Crypto-currency?

The main question that does not give rest to any owner of the crypto currency is to hold or sell. The decision, in any case, will be individual. Experts recommend waiting, if:

- your crypto currency has value and is supported by developers;
- we are talking about megapopular crypto currency;
- The reason for the fall of the course is not obvious, it is incomprehensible.

Read more: How to earn on the fall of the market Cryptocurrency

Crypto currency and taxes in the world. Will the miners pay the state?

Crypto-currency and taxesCrypto-currency and taxes

Crypto currency is equated to a monetary unit, but does not have a physical expression. This type of electronic money is not tied to any country or system.

Crypto currency can not be falsified or prohibited; she is not afraid of inflation. All these advantages, as well as complete anonymity of users, make crypto currency very popular all over the world.

Despite the invulnerability of those who earn on crypto-currencies, the Internet raises the question of taxation. For example, in the US and Japan, the crypto currency is legalized, so it is possible that other countries will follow this example.

Read more: Crypto currency and taxes in the world. Will the miners pay the state?

Regulation of the market crypto currency: whether it is necessary

Regulation of the market crypto currency: whether it is necessaryRegulation of the market crypto-currency: features and nuances

The issue of regulating the market of crypto-currencies now occupies many. This topic interests officials and ordinary people. There are active discussions about whether it is necessary to regulate this market and what actions to take.

Crypto-currencies have firmly entered our reality, therefore it is not possible to ignore their existence and serious influence on the economy. However, the regulation of the crypto-currency market involves a number of objective difficulties.

Read more: Regulation of the market crypto currency: whether it is necessary

What will happen with the crypto currency in 2018-2019. Forecast of specialists and analysts

What will happen with the crypto currency in 2018-2019. Forecast of specialists and analystsThe fever that originated in the crypto-currency market in December 2017 subsided, so you can now calmly talk about what awaits bitcoin and other crypto-currencies in the next two years. Is it worth investing in crypto-currencies, what will be the volatility and the course, how will the main players of the market behave, what is the long-term forecast - we will try to find answers to these burning questions from financial analysts.
The main trends of the crypto currency market in 2018-2019, according to experts, will look like this.

Read more: What will happen with the crypto currency in 2018-2019. Forecast of specialists and analysts

How to start earning money on crypto currency?

How to start earning money on crypto currency?With what it is correct to begin work with a crypto currency

In connection with the rapid rise of the crypto currency, many seriously interested in this way of investment. But there are many nuances in working with digital coins, so you should carefully study this direction. It is best to tackle this issue on your own, without relying on the professionalism and recommendations of experts, whose opinions often differ.

Read more: How to start earning money on crypto currency?

How to profitably use Crypto-Currency on the Internet

Ways to profit from crypto currency without leaving homeWays to profit from crypto currency without leaving home

You managed to earn a crypto currency and now you are puzzled by how to spend your money? It is not necessary to lose interest on conversion, many services accept digital coins for payment. There are a lot of options to spend the crypto currency, and much will depend on how much you have.

Read more: How to profitably use Crypto-Currency on the Internet

How to earn bitcoins without investing in the Internet

How To Make Money OnlineIs it possible to earn bitcoins without investments?

With the popularity of crypto currency, many users have the question: "How to earn bitcoins without investments?" Owners of seed capital are engaged in mining, organize farms or cloud servers. But those who do not have the means to promote, but have a huge desire to become the owner of the cherished crypto currency, also have the opportunity to increase their capital. Of course, it is not worth hoping for huge profits, especially at the initial stage.

Read more: How to earn bitcoins without investing in the Internet

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