The new version of CRM for brokers allows you to connect any accounts in multi-account mode from any servers, with Metatrader 4, FXNEXT and Metatrader 5.
Connect whitelabel for clients for MT4, FXNEXT and MT5 in multi-account mode. CRM is fully customized and developed for any customer tasks.
The system works with any trading platforms.
CRM TradeTools FX is a solution integrated with multi-market platforms MT4, FXNEXT and MT5.
Each trader is given access to the profile, as well as all the necessary tools for managing money transfers, deposits, partner system, etc.
How our MT4, FXGO and MT5 CRM solution system is fundamentally different from others:
Trader portal:
View MT4 / FXNEXT / MT5 account history.
Download management. The ability to upload custom files (documents) to the server to provide them to the White Label.
Access to platform downloads and links to mobile applications.
Ability to replenish MT4 / FXNEXT / MT5 account in automatic mode (integration with TTFX Payment Processor).
Ability to create a request to withdraw funds from an MT4 / FXNEXT and MT5 account through the White Label application manager.
Managers portal in manager mode:
View download files for traders (which are performed by the portal administrator).
View documents uploaded by traders.
View MT4 / FXGO and MT5 deposit transactions.
Managing applications for debiting funds from traders' accounts (i.e. viewing, executing, changing status).
System of interaction with traders through Ticket Management and much more.
Managers portal in administrator mode:
Manage managers, products, White Label and download files available for traders;
All the functionality of the manager for all White Label (filter by White Label is also available in all catalogs).
Great attention is paid to data protection. For example, it is absolutely impossible to "unload" the client base from CRM PORTAL by a person without access rights. In addition, CRM PORTAL TradeTools FX has a built-in structure to keep track of all trader data (deposits, withdrawals, money transfers, etc.). The multi-level system is designed to form the backbone of traders with maximum performance. The above set of services allows you to assess the effectiveness of staff work, keeping the history of actions. Thus, the activities of each manager becomes absolutely transparent, and it is possible to track the individual indicators of employees, from calls made to conversion statistics.
With this CRM PORTAL you can build a base of regular customers and attach sales agents to them. The main actions of employees after registering a client are standard and few - these are deposits, withdrawal requests and various technical issues. The entire history of customer actions is automatically registered in the personal account; thus, it is not difficult to trace it. If a customer's task requires the attention of an employee, they are notified.
Interaction between users is an integral part of any perfect CRM system. The customer portal is no exception. CRM PORTAL has a ticket-based support system that makes it easier and faster for brokers and traders to interact.
Main features of HelpDesk:
- Creation of client requests (tickets);
- control of application execution;
- Forwarding messages.
- Files in chat
The CRM system allows you to completely delimit user rights, the standard set includes - Admin, Manager, Support, Affiliate, Introducing Broker, Trader.
In the CRM PORTAL TTFX system, it is possible to completely customize the company's markets such as Forex, CFD, Binary OPtions and bind interaction with them to various White Label, the number of White Label is not limited.
MT4 / MT5 / FXNEXT / CRM for brokers (client portal) DEMO
Admin access:
Email: [email protected]
Password: password
Manager access:
Email: [email protected]
Password: password
Affiliate / Introducing Broker access:
Email: [email protected]
Password: password
Trader access:
Email: [email protected]
Password: password
Payment metods for MT4 / MT5 / FXGO CRM system for brokers