Virtual Dealer for Metatrader 4
The Virtual Dealer plugin is designed for automatic execution of client orders.
The options available with the plugin allow the broker to react flexibly to the client request depending on the symbol, price and position size.
One of the key features is the ability to change the processing of a price request depending on the settings. You can set the difference between the requested price and the processing price in pips or currency.
Virtual Dealer easily works in virtual mode with different order execution systems. In this mode, the plugin contains a "virtual bank" to reproduce real-time execution of trades without charging commissions or sending real-time orders to banks.

All parameters are set at the account group level or for specific accounts. The plugin also allows you to set an execution delay to simulate execution through a bank.
The Virtual Dealer plugin allows you to partially or completely change the dealer's work in processing a client's trade request for opening or closing trades.
The plugin settings allow setting the modes of BUY, BUY LIMIT, BUY STOP, SELL, SELL LIMIT, SELL STOP order processing at news, gaps or usual market conditions. A virtual dealer is limited in groups, symbols and maximum amount of trades that can be processed. If an order is received from a client with parameters that do not meet the plugin's acceptable settings, it will be sent for manual processing by the dealer.
In this plugin you can set the time of expected news, method of processing pending orders and behavior of Limit & Stop Level and Freeze Level parameters for a trading symbol at that time.